No. 277/279 New Bridge Road
No. 277/279 New Bridge Road
Fronting the bustling street life of Chinatown, within the Bukit Pasoh Conservation Area, is where No. 277/279 shophouse resides. Its name came from Coleman Bridge, a new bridge constructed over the Singapore River back then. And due to the merging of Eu Tong Sen Street and New Bridge Road in the late 1980s, an eight-lane dual-carriageway was constructed. A conservation status was accorded to New Bridge Road on 7 July 1989.
We were therefore tasked to restore and revitalise the Shophouse. For the reason of bringing back the heritage beauty of the property while upgrading its facility to meet the modern standard of living.
Completed 2018
New Bridge Road
Built in 1842, this one-way street begins from Coleman Bridge, the south of Singapore River, and ends at the junction of Eu Tong Sen Street and Kampong Bahru Road. As a result of its location within the Chinatown (Bukit Pasoh) Conservation Area, it is rich in 19th century urban heritage.

Architectural Style and Facade Treatment
Getting influence from both Art Deco style and Modern, the pair of shophouse is a hybrid style, exhibiting simpler geometric motifs in contrast to earlier shophouses. Accentuated with a dark colour were the horizontal ornaments and window frames while the vertical columns used a more subtle grey.

We carried out one-for-one replacements for window and doors in non-working condition with the same design and profile. Because old shophouse’s iron parts tend to become misaligned and rusty after a long period of time. Those that were still in good conditions however were retained and made good.

Its colour palette followed through the interior of the shophouses, with a selection of patterned tiles and wall painting along the staircase. Simple lines and geometry shapes was also used to add a modern twist within the interior space of the staircase.